About the Course
This program is designed to assist high calibre women to take the next step in their career and build confidence to lead. This experiential learning program will help participants overcome gender barriers and develop a new mindset about how to practice leadership in complex changing environment. Participants will gain practical tools and frameworks that will help them lead and influence with or without authority.
Tailored to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
This course is contextualizable to your specific organisational environment and needs.
It can also be customised to be delivered through different delivery structures.
Course Delivery Options
Course is offered in both Online and Blended modes.
Key Course Content
Workshop 1 (Day 1)
Theme: Leadership in Context of Education QLD
Exploring the context in which the participants lead. Surfacing the assumptions and roadblocks that are barriers to their leadership. Applying a gendered lens to the barriers.
Utilising the Leadership Competencies for QLD
Theme: Women Leading in Adaptive Environments
The Practice of Leadership: An overview of the Adaptive Leadership model. A practical leadership framework that helps individuals and organisations adapt and thrive in challenging environments
Theme: Lead with and without authority, across boundaries
Understand the difference between adaptive and technical challenges
Using authority and power, mobilising responsibility across boundaries, building trust, orchestrating conflict to create change, regulating disequilibrium, and building a culture of adaptability for the long-term
Workshop 1 (Day 2)
Theme: Developing Personal Leadership Capabilities
Self as Leader
Leadership Identity and gender
Perceptual filters and mental models
Theme: Understanding Self and Others
Exploring self-assessment data to understand why we think and feel differently from others and how to harness this insight to lead effectively
Theme: Peer coaching and Mentoring
Coaching skills for leaders
Coaching methods and approaches
Peer coaching: establishing a coaching relationship within the cohort
Workshop 1 (Day 3)
Theme: Career Planning and Development
Goal Setting
Personal SOAR analysis – Strengths, Opportunities Aspirations, Results
Finding and cultivating champions
Moving from goals to reality
Personal career plan
Theme: Navigating Power Dynamics
Men and women roles in building a diverse and inclusive community.
Theme: The Business of Promotion
Building a strong career narrative
Promotion myth busting
Unpacking the key criteria for the role of Principal
Exploring the Strategic and operational plan and their relevance to
Interview skills development
Panel discussion
Webinar 1
Theme: Building High Performance Teams
Harnessing the power of team; team dynamics; stages of team development and dysfunctions of teams
Tuckman Team Development Model: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
Managing conflict
Webinar 2
Theme: Communication and Personal Presence
Practical techniques for influencing others
Developing appropriate strategies for influencing & negotiation in the workplace
Workshop 2
Theme: Promoting Inclusion and Diversity
Strategies for Promoting Diversity in Workplaces
What is diversity?
Navigating cultural norms (cultural web)
Awareness of our conscious and unconscious bias and the impact on decision making
Theme: Innovation and design thinking.
Understanding the design and innovations process
Theme : Business and strategic acumen for school leadership
Exploring the strategic issues for your school
Conceptualising a school strategy: How to meet goals and challenges
Theme: Community engagement
Stakeholder analysis
Theme: Workplace Intervention Reflection presentations
Each participant will present their reflection on their workplace intervention
Key Learning Process
Five days of workshop learning plus two 90 minute webinars over six months
Pre-workshop engagement: Stimulus activities, early thinking about objective setting, experiential task to observe patterns.
Pre-workshop assessment: VIA strengths,
Workshop 1 (Three days of face-to-face or online workshops)
Workplace intervention project
Peer coaching in between workshops. A workshop spacing of approx. 6 to 8 weeks is ideal to enable sufficient time for action learning and reflection tasks
Participants participate in 360-degree feedback process (various tools available or through conversation).
Webinar 1 & 2 (90 min Zoom sessions)
Workshop 2 (Two days of face-to-face or online workshops)
Participant satisfaction survey and in-brief assessment of participant’s learning outcomes
Post Workshop Engagement
Follow-up questionnaire – to evaluate and support embedding of learning and desired behaviour change/skill development.