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Sue Sampson

​Some recent organisational review and change projects are below: 


  • Effective management of two significant organisational restructures and various Machinery of Government changes for Queensland Treasury.  As Sue entered the role in September 2019, Treasury was at the beginning of a significant restructure.  Sue led the change management and communication processes with leaders, staff and the unions as well as ensuring smooth staff transitions from the old structure to the new structure.   In late 2020, a restructure of the Office of State Revenue from service lines to functions was undertaken. The change, communication and industrial elements of this were complex change were implemented successfully.


  • A change process within a University working with all academics in a particular School – from professorial to early stage career - to identify key issues and develop strategies to proactively position the School and ensure readiness for significant future challenges. The School faced significant issues with dissent amongst some of the very senior academics.  The process enabled the participants to identify the underlying concerns, find a place of agreement and move forward.


  • A review and major change management program for Nortec, a not-for-profit organisation in the employment solutions industry.  Faced with a rapidly changing environment, Nortec needed to shift its focus from a job seeker-orientated business to be more strategic and diverse with multiple income-earning programs and the ability to cross-market and collaborate between those programs.  Sue undertook an initial data analysis process and then designed and delivered a series of workshops with various groups including the Board, senior management and supervisor level staff. Outcomes were a shift in Nortec’s culture to be more responsive, more integrated and more effective in the increasingly difficult not-for-profit environment.


  • Refocussed Treasury’s approach to diversity and inclusion, implementing strategies to improve stakeholder ownership and commitment to the program, better utilise metrics to track progress and target efforts, and implement pragmatic, outcomes-orientated initiatives such as employment pathways from the Treasury cadetship program into ongoing roles.

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