Team Effectiveness: project samples
Some recent project supporting teams develop functionality and effectiveness are below:
Facilitated team sessions with a small Brisbane-based team of health professionals tasked with setting direction and implement state-wide strategy. The team needed assistance to developed a shared mindset about the team's purpose and how that purpose might be delivered as well as support to improvement collaboration and operational delivery.
Organisational improvement project with the Tweed Coast Waste Management Unit to assist the team deal with issues in relation to communication, teamwork, sick leave and a safety first culture. The project included initial data gathering through interviews with staff members, workshops with management, staff and union representatives, to confirm and prioritise key issues and begin to consider possible solutions. A key strategy was union consultation and staff development in some key identified competency areas, particularly around communication and managing accountability.
Review of the organisational structure of the Finance and Business Services Branch in Crown Law. This review was focused on assessing and documenting current organisational structures and roles (in terms of key functions and competencies), identifying options and recommendations for improving effectiveness, Identifying roles which might change materially in the revised structure, benchmarking against other relevant roles; and revising role descriptions where needed.
Work to improve the overall functionality of a marketing team within the University of Queensland. Sue worked with both the Manager and the staff to make some key agreements for the future that would support improved team functionality and lead to greater staff satisfaction. A key outcome from the project was a set of core contracts about how the team would work together, as well as very specific commitments about approval timeframes and project ownership.