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Leading in Action: Development Program for Leaders


Becoming a great leader is not about accessing knowledge (there’s more knowledge – books, academic journals, blogs, newsletters etc) on leadership than on most other topics. Becoming a great leader is about facing yourself and understanding who you are, about seeing what works really well in this setting and what gets in your way in that setting.  It’s about knowing yourself when you’re at ease and playful and effective, and about knowing yourself when you’re not.  It’s about how to toggle back up, so that you can be the stimulus for positive and proactive behaviour that your team really needs.  It’s about knowing when to walk gently and when to hold a firm line, how to give feedback in a way that inspire and enlivens and how to practice self-compassion for yourself and invigorate your own wellbeing so that you can keep on looking out for others.  This program will help you keep your heart in your leadership, it will help you bring people together to collaborate and it will help you build a clear path for your team, your culture and your organisation.


Total of six days of workshop learning over six months.

  • Course Delivery Mode

    Online and Face-to-Face Instruction

  • Key Content

    Workshop 1 (2 days)

    • Check-in, scene setting and establishing conditions for individual and group learning
    • Assessing context:  what’s needed and developing personal development goals
    • Leader know thyself: drawing on 2 key leadership assessment tools for insights
    • Considering adaptive challenges (for me, for team, for organisation) and opportunities for new thinking
    • Drawing on neuroscience and research findings about autonomic state (neurobiology) to understand about the decisions we make when we don’t know we’re making them.
    • Understand the power of growth mindsets and the problems with knowing
    • Shaping up my action learning improvement project
    • Setting up to seek feedback from important others (various 360 degree feedback options)


    Workshop Two (2 days)

    • Accessing collective capability:  creating collaboration and trust
    • Steering the ship: creating shared direction, shared values and a productive culture
    • Powerful communication: Listening at all levels, using elicitation to create shared understandings
    • Dealing with hurt, difficult issues, negative emotions, and performance concerns
    • Dysfunction:  what’s dysfunction? Helping teams shift from performative to learning
    • Harnessing the power of positive emotion and bringing  joy and wholeness to the workplace.
    • Inclusion – building inclusion into your team and your organisation’s foundation
    • Valuing difference and diversity
    • Regulating self, others and the broader system


    Workshop Three (2 days)

    • Leadership models to build on: Transformational, Authentic, LMX, Adaptive: drawing together the pieces for me.
    •  Leading change and creating improvement: understanding what others need to move forward
    • The balance between innovation and failure, planning and agile: and building in measurement
    • Pacing others for greater effectiveness and flexibility in communication – more than one way
    • Scaling up: sharing learnings from my improvement project to the broader system
    • Modelling the way and sharing the load
    • Building in wellbeing for the organisation, for teams and for self.

©2021 by Transform Developments.

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